Within the limit of our resources we are happy to cooperate with any media requests for stories, interviews or images. Please initially contact David on
A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester LE5 4YD
Phones: UK +44 0800 652 9475. Currently in Ethiopia +251 914 701229
670 Ethel Road, Leicester LE5 4WR, England/UK
Cooperative Bank, PO Box 250, Dell House, Southway, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT
Account details on application
Registered Charity Number: 1066869 Charity Commission
Income Tax Registration Number: XR 24619
Income Tax Self-assessment Charity Reference: PAK77CG
Give as You Earn Registration No: GYE 291156
Money Service Business Registration Number: On application
David G Stables (Chair), Samuel Ayalew Assefa, Bisrat Mesfin G/Michael, Patrick S D Hanmer, Frances M Kirkham, Elizabeth A Martin,
Paul Anticoni, CEO, World Jewish Relief
Claire Bertschinger, Tutor, London Tropical & Infectious Diseases Hospital
Kemp, Taylor LLP website