Comments are welcomed from any donors or prospective donors. Please feel free to e-mail any comments or questions to
“I have only been supporting A-CET for a short time but, through them I am able to help a young Ethiopian family of which I am fond. Through A-CET the young father is getting the training that will give him and his family a better life. My experience so far is that this is the sort of small-scale, personal project that really makes a difference to the people with whom it works. I like the way A-CET keeps me informed about how my (modest) contributions are being used”. - Michael Buerk, BBC
“Wishing Angela every success with her run in raising significant funds for such a worthwhile charity as A-CET” - The F.A Premier League
“A-CET is such an amazing charity giving these children a chance of a future that they would never otherwise have, a future that in time will benefit the whole community. Thank you for your inspiration in setting it up and your continued hard work” - Jackie Pugsley.
“At last a charity aimed at helping Africa ... totally worthwhile & honourable” - DW
“Your (A-CET) Report very inspiring ... good to know the help is going where it’s needed ... privilege to help.” - Julia Price
“A-CET’s work in Ethiopia has vastly improved the lives of so many of the children it supports ... (A-CET) is lean and efficient ... arguably one of the most efficient charities working in Africa”. - Martha Kearney BBC
“We are attracted to sponsor by your long-term commitment to students and their well being. We see immediately where our money goes and how the children benefit ... God bless you and the work you are doing” - V&NP
“At last I’ve got round to signing upto sponsor a child - I really feel so great” - BK
“I was extremely impressed by your knowledge and dedication. I am convinced that I couldn’t have donated the money in a better way. You’ve organised the most marvellous projects ... the best money spent in my life. I met [PG student] Sammy and what an enjoyable time ... good helpful company, a splendid advertisement for your programme to have someone this capable and high achieving. “ - WH
“[A-CET] is run by an enormously committed man, the charity is also efficient in terms of the moneys raised and the on-the-ground delivery. The school built last year ... can make a huge difference for hundreds of kids” - TW
“Your photos of the desks really show where the cash goes, here’s some more” - RT
“Your powerful enthusiasm is compelling” - Kevin Turner
“I’ve never known a charity that does even a quarter of what you are doing with the budget you have”. - Dr AW
“What a remarkable and worthwhile job you are doing” - Fabienne Emmerich
“As a UK secondary school teacher, I groan at your students’ enthusiasm” - JW
“Respect your work and initiative” - KS “Obviously doing a cracking job” - RA
" Very impressed with your organization’s approach” - MM, Irish Rovers
“Your Ethiopian student in UK has provided us with all your material needed to support our marathon event, so good that you have students of such calibre so involved in supporting your work - most impressed” - MW organising fundraising for A-CET
“The most significant part of the Concert” - Chancellor Gordon Brown
“... admiration at the dignity, serenity & radiance of Birhan on Live 8. A truly remarkable & poised ambassador for her people. Congratulations” - GMcK
“Ethiopia is one of the safest, friendliest places I have visited in my extensive overseas travelling. Everything went according to schedule and whilst the historic and cultural sites were impressive, the memory that will stay with me forever is those happy school children singing their hearts out.” - MR, donor who financed Adihana School
“I was well looked after by EYES, your school projects are impressive, but better was your use of competent local staff who run everything.” - OH
“A spectacular country ... I already feel nostalgic for you all and see myself returning ... with your limited resources your work is incredible ... perhaps the most tangible way to express my thanks is to raise more funds.” - AG, major fund-raider see Angela's web-site
“You are doing so much that is so worthwhile, but I was made aware how very much more there is to do ... will re-double our fund-raising efforts.” - IS from GIN Milan
Director Aderak School, Donor Angela with EYES Manager Bisrat & A-CET CEO David - 23 May 06
Quotes from William Easterly, Development Economist with the World Bank for 16 years, in his book “White Man’s Burden” [Penguin USA 2006 Ref: ISBN 1-59420-037-8]
“Aid alone won’t make poverty history, only the self-reliant efforts of poor people & their society can end poverty. It’s arrogant to assume we can teach societies with their thousands of year’s civilization - let them borrow ideas & practices from us that are appropriate to suit & help them.
End conditionality. Be aware of social complexities, be accountable and take note of local feedback - with care not to make the poor dependent on handouts.
Education is a worthy end in itself and contributes to many other good development outcomes. Really care what you do works and instead of trying to “develop”, devise programmes to allow access and to keep children in school. Teach children to solve problems and be critical thinkers; be aware of the quality of education as well as the quantity.
After US$2.3 trillion and over 50 years of “aid”, no big development plan has worked in Africa with little improvement in poverty levels. Western intervention didn’t work during colonialism, now big agency neo-imperialist fantasy interventions and imposed democracy aren’t working either. Don’t try to “fix” governments or societies. Bad government and/or corruption does not necessarily restrict natural bottom-up participatory development.
Get out in the field and learn what works. Do not measure aid by inputs but by outputs. Deliver results rather than plans, in fact the best plan is to have no plan at all. Target the poorest with specific, modest and achieveable goals; avoiding high visibility big projects, summits and frameworks. Respond to each local situation creatively according to what the poor people there need. Give them greater ownership of programmes and do not tell them what to do, it doesn’t work”.