We have four “new” schools awaiting our support from 2008 onwards. Some will be done by self-help community labour with A-CET providing technical over-sight and materials. Other larger projects will be Contractor supervised using local labour. Sponsor a classroom for 50+: £5,000 (four rooms in one block). 25 desks for 50: £500 (£20 each). Library/Activity Room £4,000, Staff Room £4,000, Store £4,000 (all in one block), Latrine for 8: £4,000. We need other items such as blackboards, shelves.
Phone 0800-652-9475 or to discuss or make a pledge to pay over time.
Following our recent visit to Ethiopia in Jun 07 A-CET has provisionally accepted EYES recommendations and adopted these new community elementary school upgrading projects for the future. Whatever we can do, depends on our ability to raise funds.
Currently Grades 1-3, planned 1-4 capacity 400 students.
Phase 1 community self-help support £5K, Phase 2 £20K
The committed Dansa Community have already built one classroom block and started digging a deep trench latrine, but they lack the resources to complete floors and windows. A-CET support for phase 1 will help them to complete this work.
Students in class. Visit by A-CET/EYES to confirm need. Meeting with community & school staff
Currently Grades 1-2, planned 1-4 capacity 400 students.
Phase 1 community self-help £10K, Phase 2 £14K
Need we say more? Could your children study under these conditions?
Grades 1-8 1,200 students.
Our Engineer estimates minimally £142K for a Contractor to build six classroom blocks with ancillary support buildings (Latrines, Store, Office & Library). This will be our biggest most ambitious project yet but is already accommodating 1,200 students in totally inadequate mud and twig temporary buildings where they are constantly distracted with howling dusty winds or leaking roofs. Can we meet this challenge?
Recent visit to school with Director and eager, highly motivated students, hoping for new classrooms
Currently Grades 1-2, planned 1-4 capacity 400 students.
The community promise to improve road access following which our Engineer will survey the site, prepare estimates before our proceeding with requesting funding.
Mameat is an isolated community but their total committment to education is undiminshed. Delivering furniture on 7 Jul, rains blocked the road so the community left their market day to carry the desks the final miles to a welcoming school committee. Also new self-help classroom under construction
For £20 you can donate one locally made double desk-set (for 2 or 3 children) delivered to an Ethiopian school. This is a gift that will last over 10 years - and may we suggest far better than expensive goats or patronising unsolicited “shoe-boxes” full of unwanted, unneeded items that sadly often end up being sold on the market!
Contact . He can send a “thank you” certificate and photo to your friend.
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