====== Welcome to African Children's Educational Trust ======
====Educating Africans to develop Africa====
The independent responsive charity run by experienced, competent, caring volunteers helping vulnerable young Africans achieve their potential through education.\\
Working through local organizations, A-CET supports thousands of youngsters with long-term scholarships and a community rural elementary [[schools]] building programme.\\
All locally selected scholarship students and their backgrounds are well known to us and are assisted from kindergarten through to higher education and into employment. No money is spent on UK salaries or professional fund-raising. **Actions not words**.\\
In 2006/7, 90% of donations went to our students or schools. \\ [[http://www.a-cet.org.uk/ACET.mp3|Listen to our radio ad
]] or see our 90 second
Video ad]]
Shepherd Maekalay joined his friend Almaz at school in 2007. (c) Enigma Images \\ Images by Ryan Bonner, a winner in the Shoot Nations International Competition for 2007 [[http://www.shootnations.org|website]]
Your support has the power to change lives and give our students more opportunities.
**We are NOT a funding trust. Through local partners we only fund scholarships for our own students/projects.
Please DO NOT apply. Requests are not acknowleged.** \\
If or when the time is right for you to put a charity in your will, please remember us
>>>>This web-site updated 4 Oct 2008\\
Images on this web-site are (c) A-CET/EYES or Enigma Images, all may be used with acknowledgement. \\