Worldwide leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Patriach Paulos, compliments EYES Manager Bisrat and A-CET on our work. A-CET presentation by Bisrat & David to a visiting US/Irish delegation
In line with our aim to devolve more of our work to Ethiopians, last year’s “Christmas” monitoring visit was undertaken by our post graduate student Sammy. A positively inspirational visit for all students who look on Sammy as their role model.
Visits newly upgraded elementary school at Aderak - perhaps if I’d studied in classrooms like this?
Visits student in his room and inspires our senior students at the EYES Office in Mekelle
“Education is the key to your better future” - spreading the message
David attended our two supported rural elementary government/community run schools impressive dedication ceremonies. He went to the opening of our 3rd Computer Training Centre for girls run by the local Red Cross Society.
When we started A-CET most of our students were orphaned through civil war or famine now it is through AIDS related deaths. We are in the midst of the most appalling emergency in human history as the AIDS pandemic sweeps Africa. Our developed world’s broken promises and feeble response is worse than disgraceful.
How much longer must I look into the eyes of bewildered children’s faces as they grapple to cope with the premature deaths of their parents? These are children I often saw born. My words of comfort and strength and A-CET’s educational support seem so inadequate. These are deeply religious people whose faith is being so harshly tested.
It is emotionally exhausting. Part elated by the undoubted successes of the majority of our dedicated, hard working and intelligent students and of our schools upgrading projects, the enormity of these escalating AIDS related deaths that are crippling Africa and are beyond our and related organizations capacity to cope is terrifying.
A-CET tries to remain strictly apolitical, we do not “lobby” and always work within the policies and with the cooperation of the local elected government.
A-CET’s support during these difficult unsettled is unwavering. To withdraw it only exacerbates unrest and discontent and would be short-sighted. The poor, old and sick always suffer. We believe that this is all the more reason for us to show faith and confidence in the country’s great future and to continue our investments in both students and educational projects.