=====Partners===== We are fortunate in having a growing number of partners which enable us to underake larger projects, such as the upgrading of rural primary schools and the setting up of Computer Training Centres for girls. Some are providing services "in kind". \\ Below are brief references to them, in the order that they became associated with us. ---- === Global Issues Network (GIN) === {{gin-sammy.jpg}} A-CET student Sammy Ayalew addresses International School students at Luxembourg Conference The Global Issues Network [[http://www.global-issues-network.org/gi-website/|GIN]] is a consortium of European International Schools dedicated to support and awareness raising on Global Issues. They share our vision to make a tangible difference and are practically supportive of our schools upgrading projects. We recently addressed their First International Conference in Luxembourg and are inspired by the interest, dedication and commitment of their students and staff. See [[http://www.ism-ac.it/HighSchool/ethiopia/Ethiopia%20Presentation.ppt|GIN Conference Presentation]] for their report on our work. === Coornhert Gymnnasium, Gouda, Nederlands === [[|Coornhert Gymnasium]], a state secondary school, has selected A-CET as their developing world project for their next 3/5 academic years and are actively and successfully fundraising towards our schools project. \\ === Band Aid Trust === {{ bandaid.jpg}} We are proud to be associated with this charitable trust, set up by Sir Bob Geldof following his first Band Aid single over 20 years ago. Band Aid Trust has consistently done so much for Ethiopia and is supporting our schools projects. === 4i2i === Company [[http://www.4i2i.com/|4i2i]] is supporting us substantially towards our refurbishment and upgrading work at both Aderak and Adihana Schools. === Irish Rovers === {{ logo_ire.gif}} We are both delighted and privileged to be associated with the [[http://www.irishrovers.org/IrishRovers_Ethiopia.htm|Irish Rovers]]. They run popular active football coaching trips to Ethiopia, and are providing substantial support towards the furniture for our schools upgrading programme. ===Man Financial=== We are happy that [[http://www.manfinancial.com/aboutMan/aboutMan_about.cfm|Man Financial]] are supporting our charity. === Women of the Year Awards === [[http://www.woyla.co.uk/awards.htm|WOYA]] supported our third Computer Training Centre for Girls at Adigrat, N Ethiopia. ====Service and support partnerships==== {{ greenlionslogoweb.jpg}} [[http://www.greenlions.com|Green Lions Films]] have produced free a 10 min documentary film [[http://www.a-cet.org.uk/video07_lo.html|Learning for Life]] about our work, narrated by Martha Kearney. This will be shown on Community Channel TV during their August //"Africa Week"//. Copies are available on request to York-based [[http://www.myknowledgemap.com/|My Knowledge Map]] have also produced a free 10 min promotional DVD "Giving Children a Second Thought". {{ mkm_logo_smallw.jpg}} \\ All donors on our mailing list have been sent copies of both DVDs, but if others would like a copy, please just ask us. \\ **Publitek** \\ For over eight years we have been indebted to [[http://www.publitek.com/index.php|Publitek New Media]] who not only designed and supported our web-site, but provide us with constant IT advice. **DA Computers** \\ Leicester-based family computer firm [[http://www.dacomputers.com/|DA Computers]] whose Directors voluntarily provide us with much valued excellent personal on-site free service and advice. \\ [[http://www.everyclick.com/uk/myeveryclick/search/?keyword=African+Childrens+Educational+Trust|{{ everyclickw.gif}}]] \\ Make **Every Click** your search engine and help raise funds for A-CET at no cost to you. \\ **Phatpocket books** \\ When you buy books through [[http://www.phatpocket.com|phatpocket]], A-CET receives 25p per book and now annually receives over £1,000 through this phatpocket initiative, thank you! **Vision Teaching** \\ {{ vision_teaching_logow.jpg}} We are delighted that [[http://www.visionteaching.co.uk|Vision Teaching]], a UK educational consultancy with high ethical standards, is supporting our work by donating a percentage of contributing schools income to A-CET. **Wild Frontiers** \\ {{ wildfrontiers_log.jpg}} Travelling? We recommend Award Winning [[http://www.wildfrontiers.co.uk/ethiopia.htm|Wild Frontiers]] where every trip to Ethiopia helps support our activities. **Sollatek** \\ Thanks to [[http://www.sollatek.com|Sollatek]] who have donated five Glowstar portable lamps. Solar/battery or mains powered; ideal for our schools with no electricity, but lots of sunshine!\\ === Shop with a "Wedge Card" === {{ wedge.jpg}} With the [[http://www.ncvo.biz/wedgecard/individuals.asp?RO=ACET02|Wedge Card]] you can support our work as you shop from a range of great offers at hundreds of independent shops. If you buy a card A-CET will receive £10 out of the £20 cost of the card. You'll find many deals exclusive to Wedge Card holders in your local shops. Wedge Cards cost just £20 and are valid for one year. You can recoup the initial cost in just a few purchases. ---- ~~NOTOC~~