Aderak Adihana School Future school projects
From the 1934 International Conference on Education to the Millennium Development Goals, every child’s right to free primary education was universally endorsed. It is well known that education is the salvation of struggling societies - beyond providing a well spring of knowledge - brings with it the best chance of defeating poverty, better parenting, better health, better nutrition, greater opportunity and a direct line to economic growth. From the UN to the World Bank it is agreed that free universal primary education is the ultimate measure of human progress.
Aderak “Fikre Alem” Elementary School New buildings built by A-CET/EYES 21 Sep 2006
Since we started operating in Ethiopia, national attendance at Primary Schools has risen from 25% to a staggering 90%+, an incredible achievement by any standards and with a fast increasing population, even more so. THis is achieved by the communities being encouraged to build their own schools with the Givernment assuring trained teachers. This has left many schools basic and poorly equipped - often just walls and a roof with the children sitting on stones. We have helped upgrade the community built school at Aderak and in 2007 Adihana School with classroom and support buildings construction plus the purchase of their basic furniture requirements.
Engineer Aregawi surveying Adihana School site for our 2007 project - with your help