[[star student|Star student]] | [[new_students|New students]] | [[students graduate|Students Graduate]] | [[circus_selam|Circus Selam]] ===== Students Graduate 2006 ===== {{ezanaweb.jpg}}{{jamboweb.jpg}}{{005.tammyw.jpg}}{{75.joseph.jpg}} Ezana Dip Phys Educ, Jambo & Tammy Dip Auto Tech, Joseph Dip Electronics - all graduated in 2006 {{equbaw.jpg}}{{eshetugradw.jpg}}{{rahel_g_eth-48.jpg}}{{86getachewhaileyw.jpg}} Equaba BSc Nat Sciences, Eshetu Dip Marketing, Rahel BSc Comp Science/IT, G/Hiwot Hailu BA (Eng) {{bini_eth-51-49grad.jpg}}{{87.birhangrad.jpg}} Weldekidan with Gebreabzgi, BSc Computer Science. Birhan graduates with an Agriculture Diploma. These students graduated in Computer Science, Education, Natural Sciences, Marketing, Auto-Technician and Agriculture. With these qualifications all are already in paid gainful employment, with two continuing their further education. Our hearty congratulations; together this is exactly what we are aiming for. \\ ---- ===== Students Graduate 2007 ===== Sincere congratulations to these strong young people on their achievements. \\ {{abadi_gradw.jpg}}{{eth-14_tekle_gradu_2w.jpg}}{{gebreegziabher_gradw.jpg}}{{destagradw.jpg}} Abadi G/Yesus BA Econ, with Binyam EYES Asst Manager Tekleselassie BA Business Studies (own resources), Gebreegziabher Lemma, BA Cooperative Studies, Desta BA Accounts {{abeyw.jpg}}{{raffyw.jpg}}{{249_asqualw.jpg}}{{endaw.jpg}} Brothers Abey & Rufael Graduate with BSc (Medicine) and BA (Marketing), Asqual Diploma (Kindergarten Teacher) & Enda Certificate (Computer Operator) {{eyes_stud_grad_016w.jpg}}{{girmaya.jpg}}{{124_teklay_fw.jpg}}{{abadicsw.jpg}} \\ From L-R Zaid Dip (Computer Science), Binyam BA (Business), Meron Dip (Computer Science), Girmay BSc (Computer Engr), Teklay Dip Construction, and Abadi BA (History), Asst Director of Circus Selam \\ ~~NOTOC~~