====== Ways to donate and make a difference======
**//"If you really want to help the poor of the third world, it is best to give the money to private charities that run low level projects on the ground"// \\
**- Robert Whelan, Deputy Director of the independent think tank Civitas.
**//"smaller charities are more efficient, innovative and independent" ... "big charities are bad for the sector"//**
- Centre for Policy Studies review (Aug/Dec 2006)
==== A-CET for the discerning donor ====
We are completely dependent on private voluntary support and receives no statutory funding or grants. To sponsor a school project, or student, please contact [[dgs@a-cet.org|David]]. \\
**//A-CET is run by committed volunteers who are honest, caring and compassionate. We work with experienced Ethiopian partners in the field who are our ex-students. We are small, independent and efficient and can respond quickly and with flexibly. We are transparent and accountable. //**
==== Corporate Social Responsibility or Venture Philanthropist? ====
**Become involved and make a significant difference?** Sir Tom Hunter pledged £1bn in Jul 07 said //"with wealth comes great responsibility... some of the greatest achievements came throught the collaborative action of many small donors"//. Whether a need to make a change for the better or a city bonus - for £50,000 in nine months we can build and furnish a complete elementary community school in Ethiopia for 1,000 children. We have the experience and the contacts. **We have minimal overheads with NO corrupt percentages and NO political interference. Phone 0800-652-9475 or contact [[dgs@a-cet.org|David]].** Join us as an involved funding partner. Become committed, see the difference you can make. We promise you a satisfying sense of involvement and a total feeling of positive fulfillment with real satisfaction.
==== Pledge an "ethical" gift for your special friends ====
{{ deskset.jpg}}
For £20 you can donate one local made with local materials double desk-set delivered to an Ethiopian school. This is a gift that will last over 10 years - better than expensive goats or unsolicited "shoe-boxes"! \\ Contact [[dgs@a-cet.org|David]] and he will send a "thank you" gift certificate and photograph to your friend.
[[http://www.justgiving.com/acet/donate|{{ image010.gif}}]]
==== Just giving ====
=== Donors - set up your own fundraising web-page ===
A-CET has teamed up with justgiving.com. You can make a one off donation or for all marathon runners & event fund raisers participants can raise money quickly and easily online with their own personalised web pages.
[[http://www.justgiving.com/acet/raisemoney|{{ image005.gif}}]] \\
Friends and family will be able to donate to your event online with a credit or debit card - so no more running around with paper sponsorship forms, or chasing cheques and cash after your event. To set up your page today click above or call free to 0800 028 6183 for more details.
==== Others ways to give ====
**UK donors**
UK donors may give in any form payable to “A-CET” at: A-CET, Freepost MID 25356, PO Box 8390, Leicester LE5 6ZA or phone David on **0800 652 9475**. If your employer operates a “Give as you Earn” scheme your donation can be credited to our account. Please quote our Registration Number: GYE 81000291156.\\
For UK donors please select and click on the appropriate button on the left.\\
**Overseas donors**
Can make one-off direct bank transfers to A-CET using our bank SWIFT & IBAN codes on [[contact_us|Contact us]] page. Or those wishing to set up regular or one-off payments with a credit card can do so through the secure [[http://www.a-cet.org/pages/donate_online.html| World Pay]] site. Currencies accepted are: US, Australian or Canadian $, € or £.\\
**US donors**
Can donate tax effectively if over US$500 through [[http://www.cafamerica.org|CAF America]] and please type in “A-CET” under foreign charity to support. To donate tax effectively less than US$500 send direct to us. We will process through the American Fund for Charities, enabling you to re-claim tax through 501[c][3] \\
==== Remember A-CET in your will====
Donors wishing to leave us a legacy (exempt from both inheritance and capital gains tax), please go to [[http://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/findacharity.jsp?charityID=150|Remember A Charity]]. **Michael Buerk will, will you?**