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Records 1 to 35 of 154. | More

Ref Name Sex Age Grade Education status Sponsored
481 Eyerusalem Hadush Female 20 College - Choreography Eupen, Belgium No
480 Ephrem Hailu Male 27 Theological College 5/5 Mekelle-Promoted
479 Bethleham Haleleoul Female 17 P-12 AA Promoted
478 Mahlet Haleleoul Female 21 College BSc Nurse 2/3 AA Promoted
477 Aaron Abraham Male 7 P-1 Mekele-Promoted
475 Teodrus Gebremichael Male 19 P-12 Mekelle Promoted
474 Negasi Bahre Male 16 8 Mekelle-no news
473 Haben Berihu Male 12 5 Correspondence Mekelle
472 Akberet Tesfay Female 15 7-Correspondence Mekelle
468 Abebu Tsgaw Female 20 Sheba Dip Acct 1/3 Mekelle
466 Rahel Berihu Female 19 Microlink Dip IT 1/3 Mekelle-Promoted
465 Million Kindeya Female 20 Sheba Dip IT 1/3 Mekelle-Promoted
464 Yared Tekeste Male 15 P-10 Mekelle-Promoted
463 Rigiat Teame Female 21 P-9 Mekelle-Promoted
462 Genet Sbhat Female 18 P-11 Mekelle GPA 2.124
461 Helen Gebreezgi Female 18 P-12 Mekelle-Promoted
460 Ashenafi Tesfamariam Male 24 P-10 Mekelle
459 Kibrom Tesfay Male 18 Dip Bio-Tech 2/3 Debre Markos
458 Goytom Gebregziabher Male 22 P-10 Mekelle-Promoted
454 Haftu Tsegay Male 22 BSc Econ 1/4 Mekelle-Promoted
453 Yonas Birhane Male 17 P-8 Mekelle-Promoted
452 Simon Akalilu Male 10 P-3 Mekelle-Promoted
451 Haftom Getachew Male 20 College Elect 2/3 Mekelle-Promoted
450 Kokob Getachew Male 17 Sheba Dip Auto 1/3 Mekelle
449 Yeabsra G/Medhin Male 16 P-5 Mekelle-Promoted
448 Daniel Tadelle Male 15 P-9 Mekelle-Promoted
445 Merhawit Hailu Female 13 P-7 Mekelle-Promoted
444 Nolawi Assefa Male 17 P-11 Mekelle GPA 2.9
442 Tariku Redae Male 23 BSc Engr 5/5 Mekelle-Promoted
441 Samuel (Eto) Baraki Male 12 P-5 Mekelle-Promoted
440 Amanuel Kahsay Male 20 Dip Theatre Directing Mekelle-Graduated
439 Wintana Fissehaye Female 23 Dip Health Offr Mekelle-Graduated
438 Tekeste Hailu Male 20 BSc Mech Engr 2/5 Bahir Dar Promoted
437 Efrem Hailu Male 22 BSc Econ Mekelle-Graduated
435 Gidena Etsana Male 14 P-7 Mekelle-Promoted

Records 1 to 35 of 154. | More


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