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Role of Education in Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Ethiopia
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A-CET: The independent responsive charity run by experienced, competent, caring & committed volunteers. Supporting vulnerable young Africans, principally Ethiopians, giving them hope, higher aspirations & self-confidence to achieve their potential through education.
Working in partnership with the Education authorities and communities A-CET, through EYES, is supporting hundreds of vulnerable youngsters with long-term scholarships plus building and furnishing village-based elementary schools providing free education. This essay order highlights the significant impact of these initiatives on the lives of children in underserved areas. By ensuring access to quality education, A-CET is paving the way for a brighter future for these communities.
All locally selected scholarship students and their backgrounds are well known to us and, with dignity and symapthy, are assisted from kindergarten through to higher education and into gainful employment or self-employment.
Birhan Woldu was an A-CET/EYES supported student for over ten years, together with her six siblings, three of whom still receive A-CET/EYES scholarships. After high school Birhan attended College receiving a Diploma in Agriculture following which she studied at a private University to get a degree in Nursing. After working with the World Food Programme as a Nutritional Nurse she took maternity leave and now helps manage her husband’s hotel and café in her home city of Mekelle. Birhan acts an Ambassador for A-CET/EYES. EYES is managed by Bisrat Mesfin, also featured in this video clip. EYES is the implementing partner for A-CET in Ethiopia building rural community elementary schools and administering long-term scholarships to hundreds of vulnerable youngsters.
Dr Kindeya, President of Mekelle University, officiated at this ceremony for the tenth Full Elementary School we will have built & furnished in the last 10 years with paid community labour for the government costing £165K. It will have 8 grades in 8 classrooms, latrines. an administration block plus solar lighting. The school capacity is for 800 students in two shifts and will be ready for the next 2016 academic year. The school will be run the Ethiopian education authorities and maintained by the community. Future funding is being sought for an urgently needed new Grades 9 & 10 Secondary School in nearby Hiwane.
EYES, the Ethiopian charity implementing the A-CET programmes, was ten years old in 2014. Its achievements were celebrated in grand form starting with a parade of students through Mekelle streets on Sat 17 May; followed by a full programme of entertainment in Romanet Square on Sunday - attended by delighted thousands. Well done EYES!
See fully updated recent photographs of our activities. Click on photo & play to see all
We are totally independent and rely on NO government funding. None of your donatiions are spent on UK salaries, pension schemes, professional fund-raisers or consultants. In the UK we have no office or car. We do not invest your donations but expend them within 12 months carefully on the educational you donate to. We are not able to fund other charities, so please do not apply to us.
Actions not words, bringing lasting sustainable educational development
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Education brings with it the best chance of defeating poverty, better parenting, better health, better nutrition, greater opportunity and a direct line to economic growth. Please help us educate Ethiopians to develop Ethiopia. Your donation will be used wisely and efficiently. Use the form below to donate via PayPal, or click on one of the buttons on the right for other options.