The continual economic dependence of Africa on the “developed” world should be an international disgrace.
Africans do not want to be dependent on our charity, nor need they be. Africa has all the resources it needs to help itself, not least human resources, with highly intelligent and hard working people. The foundation for all development needs to be education and this is our mission at A-CET - to educate Africans and let them develop Africa.
I believe that there is great hope for increased prosperity and continued peace in Ethiopia because so many Ethiopians want it. But the future of Ethiopia needs to be shaped by Ethiopians themselves in their way and to their timetable. If the developed world tries to impose their plans, Ethiopians will resist. Ethiopians are grateful for outside help, but they resent outside interference. They are a strong, unique, fiercely proud and independent people. To guests they are a friendly and extremely hospitable people, but not to invaders or colonialists. It is time we learnt to respect Ethiopians, their culture, their ways and their independence and not try to impose our ways to our timetable or we will fail.
When available, David or our Ethiopian UK students are happy to come to talk to any group anywhere about our work. We rely entirely on your private voluntary support.
Education brings with it the best chance of defeating poverty, better parenting, better health, better nutrition, greater opportunity and a direct line to economic growth. Please help us educate Ethiopians to develop Ethiopia. Your donation will be used wisely and efficiently. Use the form below to donate via PayPal, or click on one of the buttons on the right for other options.
See how to help for more options.)