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A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
Adihana means Village of Hannah, Mother of Virgin Mary.
Go to Adihana School blog last updated 22 Dec 07
With generous multi-funding from Band Aid Trust, John Humphries Kitchen Table Charities Trust, Communicado, 4i2i, Maersk, GIN, Coornhert Gymnasium, Dulverton Trust, Glenmore Trust & others - work is now completed.
Alem Biset dedicates upgraded school on 9 Dec 07
Donor Maersk present a World Map and Circus Selam sing the National Anthem
Previously children were having to walk for hours to attend school. On the initiative of the village, with teachers by the government, initailly they decided to build their own school. This is a poor farming area - but these are tough resilent and hard working people who do not complain nor wait for things to happen.
Opening banner & student file to school
Starting in 06 we supported this community and within months, classrooms were completed with good floors, doors and windows and desks delivered - everything local. Following committed community labour with EYES supervision, in 07 this is high grade junior school of 4 grades and can accommodate up to 400 students.
Grade 1 students enjoy new facilities
These youngsters’ better future will depend on education. Their parents, often uneducated, illiterate and innumerate themselves, now appreciate this and are allowing their children to attend school.
A-CET, with your help, can make these childrens’ school experience and their whole future, better and brighter - and they deserve nothing less. This is our mission, to improve access of all children to education and these types of project help to fulfill it. Can you support us with out future school upgrading projects?
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