About us
How to help
- Ways to donate
- Donate through CAF UK
- Donate through CAF USA
- One-off CAF donation
- CAF card holders
- Donate via WorldPay
- Other ways to help
A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
Gumselasa school classroom as it is now & “Payday” for Student’s Granny/carer in EYES Office
(from our Trust Deed dated 20 Oct 97 as amended 10 Jun 04 & 24 Nov 07)
The objects of the charity are to further the education of the inhabitants of the African continent in one or more of the following ways:
In the struggle to fund our own work we only support locally known students/projects in those countries we work; these are selected exclusively through our local partners.
The Chairman of the Trustees, David Stables, operates as the Trust’s Chief Executive and, with some help, works voluntarily from an office in his Leicester home. David receives no salary and lives off his state pension.
Keeping our overheads to a minimum, we are fortunate to have support of professional inputs for IT and web-design, see Partners. The Chairman’s duties in the UK, whilst maintaining contact with his fellow Trustees, are co-ordinating fund raising with donors, administration, PR, web-site maintainance and overseas liasion.
If requested, David, Claire or Ethiopian UK-based students, can give presentations to interested organisations; these may have a fund raising element, but we are happy to do this for schools and childrens’ groups, as a form of awareness raising.
We now only work in Ethiopia and, to do what we do well, we only fund education-related projects or scholarships. Working closely at a personal level in a corruption free community is an example of how development can work well. We don’t want to grow too big as the bigger you are, the more reputational risk there is if we are unable to oversee our work properly.
Our national implementing partner is the registered local NGO, the Ethiopian Youth Educational Support EYES. They are now fully responsible for all financial, managerial and administrative aspects of our work in Ethiopia, including student and project selection. Advice is given by A-CET when requested. EYES is staffed by four ex-A-CET students supported by an experienced local Board of Directors.
The Trust’s main duty overseas is monitoring the progress of our students and projects together with the correct use and accounting of our funds by EYES.
Donations are often offered in kind, such as books, used computers, school equipment or clothing. We lack the resources to accept/despatch these items. Ethiopia is land-locked & carriage is very costly. Such items are now available in Ethiopia; donated items undermine local traders. So thanks but no thanks.
For surplus books contact and computers .
David Stables is the A-CET Registered Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. Limited records of donors are kept securely. No data is ever passed to third parties.