About us
How to help
- Ways to donate
- Donate through CAF UK
- Donate through CAF USA
- One-off CAF donation
- CAF card holders
- Donate via WorldPay
- Other ways to help
A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
Within the limit of our resources we are happy to cooperate with any media requests for stories, interviews or images. Please initially contact David on
A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester LE5 4YD
Phone/fax: +44 800 652 9475/6
670 Ethel Road, Leicester LE5 4WR, England/UK
Cooperative Bank, PO Box 250, Dell House, Southway, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT
Account details on application
Registered Charity Number: 1066869 Charity Commission
Income Tax Registration Number: XR 24619
Income Tax Self-assessment Charity Reference: PAK77CG
Give as You Earn Registration No: GYE 291156
Money Service Business Registration Number: On application
David G Stables (Chair), Samuel Ayalew Assefa, Bisrat Mesfin G/Michael, Patrick S D Hanmer, Elizabeth A Martin.
Paul Anticoni, CEO, World Jewish Relief
Claire Bertschinger, Tutor, London Tropical & Infectious Diseases Hospital
Kemp, Taylor LLP website
If or when the time is right for you to put a charity in your will, please remember us