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A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
The Ethiopian Youth Educational Support EYES is a locally registered non-government organization (No128) - NGO, responsible to a local Board. EYES acts as A-CET’s Ethiopian national implementing partners.
EYES have agreements with local NGOs OSSA - Organization of Social Services for Aids who help Aids orphans, HAB - Human-beings Association of Brothers for ex-street children and the MOPC Makale Ortho-Physiotherapy Centre who treat all disabled children in the Region. EYES also has an agreement with the the Bureau of Labour & Social Affairs BoLSA. This is a government agency with representatives at village level and is able to identify, manage and support needy orphans.
Through these organizations EYES, in addition to its own 350+ direct scholarship students, is helping a further 350+ AIDS orphans attend full-time education through OSSA and over 60 ex-street children through HAB. For these children to be able to attend school is an almost magic life-changing experience and all love school.
EYES is managed and run on a part-time basis (as he has a full-time job as a Tour Agent) by Bisrat Mesfin as Manager and Board Chairman supported by full-time Assistant Manager Binyam Leake. Both are A-CET alumni so well understand the backgrounds and situations of our current students. Our policy is to delegate responsibility to Ethiopians, who are far better suited and able to identify what needs to be done and how to achieve it, EYES now selects all students and educational projects through local agencies. Bisrat & Binyam are responsible through the EYES Board to A-CET for all finances and administration of all Ethiopian students and projects. The EYES Board are composed of four leading local professionals involved in government, health, education and business. They are all volunteers.
Bisrat Mesfin, EYES Manager & Chairman with Binyam Leake, Assistant Manager
EYES are now supporting thousands of children plus undertaking over-sight of two rural school upgrading projects. Before they had been working from the corner of an Internet Cafe. Now EYES has moved to a new small rented office and has as Finance Clerk/Receptionist another ex-student with an Accounting Diploma, Eyesu.
Previously they had relied on rented vehicles to visit our outlying country students, but have now got their own 4WD vehicle. Both the office and vehicle should help EYES manage its work in a more efficient and effective way.
Currently EYES supports a 48/52% ratio of boys to girls - of whom now over 20% are disabled and 85% full orphans. All are extremely vulnerable and without our support, few would be able to attend full-time school. For A-CET it is both our pleasure and privilege to be in partnership with such dynamic, hard-working, intelligent and totally dedicated EYES staff and Board members.