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A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
This is our current ongoing project. Currently Grades 1-3, planned 1-4 with a one-shift capacity for 400 students.
Phase 1 Through community self-help £10K is allocated with the work now progressing well. Initially progress was hampered by lack of availability of food for work (FFW), the usual way of rewarding community work. This has been overcome by our now directly funding and supervising community labour.
Phase 2 A contractor will be engaged for an estimated £54K to build classrooms, offices, store, library & a latrine block, but again, wherever possible using local labour. Latrines are a vital component in the schools we build, particularly in an area with few facilities. Fewer children fall sick and girls stay longer in education.
A temporary classroom shack. Progress meeting with the community & Education Bureau Officer
August 2008 4th classroom going up; roof completed using community labour
At all stages we work through local institutions and the community, winning fulsome praise from Mr Hailu the local Bureau of Education representative who admires the way we work and the high level of community participation we engender. This takes time and, often, considerable patience, but ultimately it is to all our advantage. Above all, it lets an involved community know that it is ultimately THEIR school.
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