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ways_to_donate 2006/03/18 07:58 ways_to_donate 2006/03/19 09:29 current
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[[http://www.justgiving.com/acet/donate|{{ image010.gif}}]] [[http://www.justgiving.com/acet/donate|{{ image010.gif}}]]
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Can make one-off direct bank transfers to A-CET using our bank SWIFT & IBAN codes on [[contact_us|Contact us]] page. Or those wishing to set up regular or one-off payments with a credit card can do so through the  secure [[http://www.a-cet.org/pages/donate_online.html| World Pay]] site. Currencies available are: US, Australian or Canadian $, € or £.\\ Can make one-off direct bank transfers to A-CET using our bank SWIFT & IBAN codes on [[contact_us|Contact us]] page. Or those wishing to set up regular or one-off payments with a credit card can do so through the  secure [[http://www.a-cet.org/pages/donate_online.html| World Pay]] site. Currencies available are: US, Australian or Canadian $, € or £.\\
**US donors** **US donors**
- Can donate tax effectively if over US$500 through [[http://www.cafamerica.org|CAF America]] and please type in “A-CET” under foreign charity to support. To donate tax effectively less than US$500 send direct to us. We will process through the the American Fund for Charities enabling you to re-claim tax through 501[c][3] \\ + Can donate tax effectively if over US$500 through [[http://www.cafamerica.org|CAF America]] and please type in “A-CET” under foreign charity to support. To donate tax effectively less than US$500 send direct to us. We will process through the American Fund for Charities, enabling you to re-claim tax through 501[c][3] \\
**Remember A-CET in your will** \\ **Remember A-CET in your will** \\
Donors wishing to leave us a legacy which is exempt from both inheritance and capital gains tax, click on [[http://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/findacharity.jsp?charityID=150|Legacy]]. Donors wishing to leave us a legacy which is exempt from both inheritance and capital gains tax, click on [[http://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/findacharity.jsp?charityID=150|Legacy]].