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A-CET, PO Box 8390, Leicester, LE5 4YD
Registered Charity 1066869.
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Sadly 17 year old Mahider died on 6 Jun 07 of Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy. He was an example to us all and will be greatly missed. An eternally happy positive young man who bore his disability uncomplainingly. Mahider was always top of his class and very popular, breaking the usual mould of stigmatization. Mahider was an intelligent thinking lad who expressed himself eloquently in beautiful English. On the phone a few days before he died, he assured David he was sure he had done well in his recent exams. Extract from his Dec 06 letter
“Before A-CET I was a hopeless student. I started schooling but don’t even know what the function of education was. Bisrat visits me and I join A-CET at grade 4. He told me about A-CET and gave me advice. It’s beyond my capacity to talk about A-CET but it has changed my and my family’s life. I get scholarship and A-CET donors encourage me that I’ll have a bright future. Now I understand that if you make an effort nothing is impossible. I try to make effort and to work hard and I become hopeful and I started to be the top student every year. Before, I was not able to write or speak English. I go to language academy and within a short time I was able to speak. I’ve learned to operate a computer in 3 months. A-CET is my life. I’d like to thank A-CET all supporters of this work. I’m so happy to say that A-CET is doing a good thing ... my family love A-CET so much”.
Please see CAF March 2007 Newsletter.
Sammy has completed his MPhil in Computational Biology at Cambridge and, preparatory to his PhD, is now a scientific researcher with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute into falciparum malaria - still responsible for over three million deaths a year in Africa.
Sammy is proof that any student, with commitment, hard work and minimal support, has that potential to attain their educational dreams. Sammy is an inspiration and wonderful role model to all students.
Sammy is now an A-CET Trustee and Executive Assistant to David in UK/Ethiopia.